ANSERINE : définition du mot 'ansérine' dans le dictionnaire français -


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(Botanique) Cette potentille elle-même.

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dernière mise à jour le 13/11/2012

1 - anserine - definition of anserine by the free online dictionary ...

an·ser·ine ( n s -r n , -r n). adj. 1. Of or belonging to the subfamily Anserinae, which comprises the geese. 2. Of or resembling a goose; gooselike.

2 - anserine - definition of anserine by the free online dictionary ...

Definition of anserine in the Dictionary. Meaning of anserine. What does anserine mean? Proper usage of the word anserine. Information ...

3 - What does anserine mean? definition and meaning (free english ...

anserine adj 1: (zoology) of or resembling a goose 2: (informal) having or revealing stupidity; ... Definition: anserine ... "ridiculous anserine behavior"; "a dopey answer"; "a dopey kid"; "some fool idea about rewriting authors' books" [ syn: dopy, ...

4 - What does anserine mean? definition and meaning (free english ...

anserine definition: adjective 1. of or like a goose 2. stupid; foolish...

5 - anserine

a : of, relating to, or resembling a goose <anserine characteristics>. b : stupid, silly <ridiculous anserine behavior>. 2. : of or belonging to the Anseres <the ...

6 - anserine

ansérine définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'ansériné',ansérin', ansière',aneurine', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, contraire, ...

7 - anserine - definition of anserine

of or pertaining to the subfamily Anserinae, of the family Anatidae, comprising the true geese. 2. resembling a goose; gooselike. 3. stupid; foolish; silly. Relevant ...

8 - anserine - definition of anserine

anserine, retrouvez la définition de anserine, les synonymes de anserine dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Plante de la famille....