ANTIRADAR : définition du mot 'antiradar' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "antiradar" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 11/10/2011

1 - Traduction anti-radar dictionnaire anglais francais

antiradar. Partager sur. Voir aussi : Les definitions de antiradar · La traduction de antiradar en anglais · Les anagrammes de anti-radar. Les mots proches : ...

2 - antiradar translation english | french dictionary | reverso collins

antiradar translation english, French - English dictionary, meaning, see also ' antidérapant','antidater','anticalcaire','antirides', example of use, definition, ...

3 - antiradar coating: definition from

antiradar coating ( ?ant??r??där ¦k?di? ) ( engineering ) A surface treatment used to reduce the reflection of electromagnetic waves so as to.

4 - antiradar missile ? dictionary definition of antiradar missile ...

Sep 18, 2011 ... Definition of antiradar missile ? Our online dictionary has antiradar missile information from The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military ...

5 - antiradar coating definition of antiradar coating in the free online ...

antiradar coating [?an·t??r??där ¦k?d·i?]. (engineering). A surface treatment used to reduce the reflection of electromagnetic waves so as to avoid radar detection ...

6 - definitions and information about naval guns - part 2

Jun 20, 2011 ... AR - British designation meaning "Anti-Radar." See "Window" below. BL&P or B.L.&P. - Blind Loaded & Plugged. Same as a Blind Shell. ...