APIQUANT : définition du mot 'apiquant' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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dernière mise à jour le 15/03/2014

1 - Piquant - definition of piquant by the free online dictionary ...

b. Charming, interesting, or attractive: a piquant face. 3. Archaic Causing hurt feelings; stinging. [French, from Old French, present participle of piquer, to prick; ...

2 - Piquant - definition of piquant by the free online dictionary ...

agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor; pleasantly biting or tart: a piquant aspic. 2. agreeably stimulating, interesting, or attractive: a piquant glance. 3.

3 - Piquant | define piquant at dictionary.com

agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor; pleasantly biting or tart: a piquant aspic. 2. agreeably stimulating, interesting, or attractive: a piquant glance. 3.

4 - Piquant | define piquant at dictionary.com

piquant (adj) tasting pleasantly strong or spicy; (Of a situation) exciting and interesting. A food item has a piquant taste if it has a pleasant strong, sharp or spicy ...

5 - Piquancy | define piquancy at dictionary.com

Definition of piquant from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio ... piquant vegetables seasoned with pepper; He served the fish with a piquant ...

6 - Piquancy | define piquancy at dictionary.com

... for piquant at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. ... Unusual settings give a piquant, humorous tilt to her characters' misery.

7 - Piquant - meaning, definition, usage of piquant - univsource

DEFINITIONS OF: piquant. 1 ... ?a piquant face with large appealing eyes?. Synonyms: engaging · attractive. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through ...

8 - Piquant - meaning, definition, usage of piquant - univsource

Of a smart, lively, racy, or sparkling nature; keenly interesting, or fitted to produce a sudden or keen interest; ?taking?: as, a piquant anecdote: a piquant manner; ...