ARCHIVAGES : définition du mot 'archivages' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "archivages" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 11/09/2013

1 - définition archivage | dictionnaire définition français | reverso

archivage définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'archimage',archive', archimagie',archivable', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, ...

2 - définition archivage | dictionnaire définition français | reverso

a place in which public records or historical documents are preserved; also : the material preserved ?often used in plural. 2. : a repository or collection ...

3 - archive - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials of historical interest. Often used in the plural: old land deeds in the municipal archives. 2.

4 - archive - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials of historical interest. Often used in the plural: old land deeds in the municipal archives. 2.

5 - archive - definition of archive by the free online dictionary ...

Usually, archives. documents or records relating to the activities, business dealings, etc., of a person, family, corporation, association, community, or nation. 2.

6 - archive - definition of archive by the free online dictionary ...

Le terme archives a trois acceptions. Il désigne : les documents qu'on crée dans le cadre de son activité et qu'on conserve pour pouvoir s'y reporter un jour, ...

7 - archives - definition of archives by the free online dictionary ...

An archive is a collection of computer files that have been packaged together for backup, to transport to some other location, for saving away from the computer ...

8 - archives - definition of archives by the free online dictionary ...

archives, définition et synonymes du mot archives dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Ensemble de documents anciens...