AUDIBILITE : définition du mot 'audibilité' dans le dictionnaire français -


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1 - audible - definition of audible by the free online dictionary ...

That is heard or that can be heard. n. Football A new or substitute offensive play called by the quarterback or a defensive formation called by a linebacker at the ...

2 - audible - definition of audible by the free online dictionary ...

Examples of AUDIBLE. Her voice was barely audible over the noise. He let out an audible sigh. Origin of AUDIBLE. Late Latin audibilis, from Latin audire to hear  ...

3 - audible - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

audible, définition et synonymes du mot audible dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Perceptible à l'oreille...

4 - audible - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Un dictionnaire de langue : 90000 mots, 135000 définitions et plus de 140000 synonymes; Un dictionnaire encyclopédique 8 500 noms propres et plus de 2000  ...

5 - audible : définition et synonymes du mot audible dans le dictionnaire

To decide what to do at the last second after seeing all possible options and obstacles that come up. Comes from football, seen when the quarterbac...

6 - audible : définition et synonymes du mot audible dans le dictionnaire

Audible definition, capable of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard. See more.

7 - définitions : audibilité - dictionnaire de français larousse -

Definition of audible : Something audible can be heard. Sometimes things that people don't want others to hear become audible , such as a growling stomach ...

8 - définitions : audibilité - dictionnaire de français larousse -

audible adj - definition, audio pronuncation and more for audible adj: loud enough to be heard: See more in American English Dictionary - Cambridge ...