BALLETOMANES : définition du mot 'balletomanes' dans le dictionnaire français -


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dernière mise à jour le 18/01/2012

1 - balletomane - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

bal·let·o·ma·nia \-?le-t?-?m?-n?-?, -ny?\ noun. Origin of BALLETOMANE. Russian baletoman, from balet ballet + -o- + -man, from maniya mania. First Known ...

2 - balletomanes - definition of balletomanes by the free online ...

balletomane. (redirected from balletomanes). Also found in: Encyclopedia, 0.01 sec. bal·let·o·mane (b -l t -m n ). n. An ardent admirer of the ballet. [French : ballet ...

3 - balletomanes definition of balletomanes in the free online ...

one who loves and constantly attends the ballet. There were many balletomanes in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. They included members of the ...

4 - balletomane ou ballettomane : définition et synonyme de ...

Définition balletomane ou ballettomane: Amateur de ballet.

5 - définition balletomane | dictionnaire définition français | reverso

balletomane définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'balletomanie',' ballettomane','ballotement','ballet', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, ...

6 - balletomane - definition of balletomane

noun a person enthusiastic about the balletRelated Forms: 1. balletomania noun. ..

7 - balletomane: definition from

balletomane ( ) n. An ardent admirer of the ballet. [French : ballet , ballet; see ballet + -mane , ardent admirer (from Greek -man?s ).] balletomania.

8 - définition : balletomane - dictionnaire français larousse

balletomane - Définition Français : Retrouvez la définition de balletomane... - Dictionnaire, définition, expression, conjugaison, synonyme, homonyme, difficulté, ...