BALLOTTINES : définition du mot 'ballottines' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "ballottines" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 15/05/2012

1 - Ballottine | define ballottine at

Ballottine definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!

2 - Ballottine | define ballottine at

ballotine; ballottine [bal-loh-TEEN] Meat, fish or fowl that has been boned, stuffed, rolled and tied in the shape of a bundle. It is then braised or roasted and is ...

3 - Ballotine; ballottine definition in the food dictionary at

Ballottine or Ballotine cooking information, facts and recipes. French in origin, this term refers to meat that has been rolled into a circular shape and filled with a ...

4 - Ballotine; ballottine definition in the food dictionary at

Definition of BALLOTTINE. : boned meat, poultry, or fish that is stuffed with seasoned meats or vegetables, rolled and tied into a bundle shape, and usu. braised ...

5 - ballottine or ballotine - definition and cooking information ...

Its name is a diminutive form of French ballotte, which in turn is derived from balle , meaning 'bale', to which a ballottine has an obvious resemblance in form, ...

6 - ballottine or ballotine - definition and cooking information ...

Définition ballottine: Mets de viande farcie et roulée.

7 - ballottine - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

ballottine translation english, French - English dictionary, meaning, see also ' ballotter','ballon','ballot','ballottage', example of use, definition, conjugation, Collins ...

8 - ballottine - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Define ballottine. What is ballottine? ballottine meaning, synonyms and audio pronunciation and more by Oxford Dictionaries Online (World English)