BIOMEDICAL : définition du mot 'biomédical' dans le dictionnaire français -


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dernière mise à jour le 06/03/2015

1 - Biomedical | define biomedical at

the application of the natural sciences, especially the biological and physiological sciences, to clinical medicine. 2. the science concerned with the effects of the ...

2 - Biomedical | define biomedical at

Definition of biomedical in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of biomedical. Pronunciation of biomedical. Translations of biomedical. biomedical synonyms, ...

3 - biomedical - definition of biomedical by the free dictionary

adjective bio·med·i·cal \?b?-?-?me-di-k?l\. Definition of BIOMEDICAL. 1. : of or relating to biomedicine. 2. : of, relating to, or involving biological, medical, and ...

4 - biomedical - definition of biomedical by the free dictionary

Biomedical Sciences, are a set of applied sciences applying portions of natural science or formal science, or both, to develop knowledge, interventions, ...

5 - biomedical - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Les sciences biomédicales correspondent à un champ d'étude étendu des sciences de la vie ayant pour but les applications directes des connaissances des ...

6 - biomedical - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

The biomedical model of medicine has been around since the mid-nineteenth century as the predominant model used by physicians in diagnosing diseases.