BRACHIAUX : définition du mot 'brachiaux' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Adjectif , masculin , pluriel

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Définition du mot "brachiaux" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 02/01/2016

1 - Brachial | define brachial at

Brachial definition, belonging to the arm, foreleg, wing, pectoral fin, or other forelimb of a vertebrate. See more.

2 - Brachial | define brachial at

brachial plexus a nerve plexus partly in the neck and partly in the axilla, originating from the ventral branches of the last four cervical spinal nerves and most of ...

3 - brachial | definition of brachial by medical dictionary

Of, relating to, or resembling the arm or a similar or homologous part, such as the foreleg, wing, or other forelimb of a vertebrate: the brachial artery.

4 - brachial | definition of brachial by medical dictionary

Brachial : définition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. Définition : Se dit de ce...

5 - brachial - definition of brachial by the free dictionary

Brachial plexus: A bundle of nerves that begins in the back of the base of the neck and extends through the armpit. It is formed by the union of portions of the fifth ...

6 - brachial - definition of brachial by the free dictionary

a complex network of nerves that is formed chiefly by the lower four cervical nerves and the first thoracic nerve, lies partly within the axilla, and supplies nerves to ...

7 - brachial : définition simple et facile du dictionnaire - l'internaute

the chief artery of the upper arm that is a direct continuation of the axillary artery and divides into the radial and ulnar arteries just below the elbow?see deep ...

8 - brachial : définition simple et facile du dictionnaire - l'internaute

Define brachial: of, relating to, or situated in the arm or an armlike process? usage, synonyms, more.