CARESSANTS : définition du mot 'caressants' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Adjectif , masculin , pluriel

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dernière mise à jour le 24/03/2014

1 - caressant : définition et synonymes du mot caressant dans le ...

caressant, définition et synonymes du mot caressant dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Participe présent du verbe...

2 - caressant : définition et synonymes du mot caressant dans le ...

Definition of caress in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of caress. ... caresses"; "soft music was a fond caress"; "the caresses of the breeze played over his face".

3 - Caress - definition of caress by the free online dictionary ...

DEFINITIONS OF: caress. 1 ... ?he showered her with caresses?. ?soft music was a fond caress?. ?the caresses of the breeze played over his face?. Type of: stroke ...

4 - Caress - definition of caress by the free online dictionary ...

caressant translation english, French - English dictionary, meaning, see also ' caresse',caresser',cassant',carcasse', example of use, definition, conjugation, ...

5 - Caress - dictionary definition :

caressant, caressante - Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de caressant, caressante, ainsi que les synonymes... - Dictionnaire, définitions ...

6 - Caress - dictionary definition :

to touch (someone or something) in a gentle way. Full Definition of CARESS. 1. : to treat with tokens of fondness, affection, or kindness : cherish. 2. a : to touch or ...

7 - caressant translation english | french dictionary | reverso

Definition of caress in the Dictionary. Meaning of caress. ... he showered her with caresses / soft music was a fond caress / the caresses of the ...

8 - caressant translation english | french dictionary | reverso

Define caress in American English. What is caress? caress meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.