CHATS : définition du mot 'chats' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Adjectif , masculin , pluriel

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Définition de "chats"

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Le monde aura beau changer, les chats ne pondront pas.

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Définition du mot "chats" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 19/04/2016

1 - Chat | define chat at

Chat definition, to converse in a familiar or informal manner. See more.

2 - Chat | define chat at

Define chat: to talk with someone in a casual way?chat in a sentence.

3 - chat | definition of chat by merriam-webster

To converse in an easy, familiar manner; talk lightly and casually. 2. Computers To participate in a synchronous exchange of remarks with one or more people ...

4 - chat | definition of chat by merriam-webster

Top Definition. chat. The word orignated in Sydney years ago around the North Shore and seems to have spread Australia wide in a matter of years. There is a ...

5 - chat - definition of chat by the free dictionary

Real-time communication between two users via computer. Once a chat has been initiated, either user can enter text by typing on the keyboard and the entered ...

6 - chat - definition of chat by the free dictionary

1.1The online exchange of messages in real time with one or more simultaneous users of a computer network: online chat has been widely accepted by average ...

7 - Urban dictionary: chat

chat definition, meaning, what is chat: to talk to someone in a friendly informal way: . Learn more.

8 - Urban dictionary: chat

For terms frequently used in online keyboard chatting, see chat acronyms/IRC/ BBS. On the Internet, chatting is talking to other people who are using t...