COMMUNARD : définition du mot 'communard' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Nom commun , masculin , singulier

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Définition du mot "communard" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 09/10/2013

1 - communard : définition et synonymes du mot communard dans le ...

communard, définition et synonymes du mot communard dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Qui était partisan, a...

2 - communard : définition et synonymes du mot communard dans le ...

A member or advocate of the Commune of Paris of 1871. 2. communard One who lives in a commune. [French, from commune, commune; see commune2.] ...

3 - communard - definition of communard by the free online ...

Jul 12, 2012 ... capitalized : one who supported or participated in the Commune of Paris in 1871. 2. : a person who lives in a commune ...

4 - communard - definition of communard by the free online ...

For the general, uncapitalized term meaning commune member, see commune ( intentional community). For the 1980s band, see The Communards. For the ...

5 - communard - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

(often lowercase) French History. a member or supporter of the Commune of 1871. Compare commune3 ( def 8b ). 2. (lowercase) a person who lives in a ...

6 - communard - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

communard definition: noun 1. a person who supported or took part in the Commune of Paris (1871) 2. a resident or member of a commune (sense ) Origin: Fr...