CRETINE : définition du mot 'crétine' dans le dictionnaire français -


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1 - cretin - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

Definition of cretin from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

2 - cretin - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

A Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can ...

3 - Urban dictionary: cretin

cre·a·tine (kr -t n , -t n) also cre·a·tin (-t n). n. A nitrogenous organic acid, C4H9N3 O2, that is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates mainly in the form of ...

4 - Urban dictionary: cretin

crétin, définition et synonymes du mot crétin dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Idiot, imbécile, personne stupide...

5 - creatine - definition of creatine by the free online dictionary ...

crétinerie, définition et synonymes du mot crétinerie dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Imbécillité, sottise...

6 - creatine - definition of creatine by the free online dictionary ...

crétin, crétine. adjectif et nom. (forme dialectale et péjorative du latin christianus, chrétien). Définitions · Synonymes · Citations. Sujet atteint de myx?dème ...

7 - crétin : définition et synonymes du mot crétin dans le dictionnaire

Definition of cretin : The English language has no shortage of cruel names for people, and one of them is cretin , which is what you'd call someone who is very,  ...

8 - crétin : définition et synonymes du mot crétin dans le dictionnaire

Origin: 1770?80; < French; Franco-Provençal creitin, crestin human being, literally, Christian (hence one who is human despite deformities). Related forms.