CROCUS : définition du mot 'crocus' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "crocus" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 05/03/2011

1 - crocus - definition of crocus by the free online dictionary ...

n. pl. cro·cus·es or cro·ci (-s , -k ). 1. a. Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, ...

2 - crocus - medical definition and more from merriam-webster

Definition of CROCUS. 1. plural also crocus or cro·ci \-?k?, -?k?, -?s?\ : any of a large genus (Crocus) of perennial herbs of the iris family (Iridaceae) ...

3 - crocus - definition

Crocus (plural: crocuses or croci) is a genus of perennial flowering plants that grows from a corm, growing naturally from the Aegean (where crocuses appear ...

4 - crocus | define crocus at

any of the small, bulbous plants of the genus Crocus, of the iris family, cultivated for their showy, solitary flowers, which are among the first to bloom ...

5 - definition of crocus from

Free online English dictionary. We define crocus as NRouge \Rouge\, n. [F.]1. ( Chem.) A red amorphous powder consisting of ferric oxide.It is used in...

6 - crocus: definition from

crocus n. , pl. , -cuses , or -ci . Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously.

7 - crocus - definition of crocus at

noun pl. crocuses cro?·cuses or croci cro?ci? (-s??). any of a large genus ( Crocus) of spring-blooming plants of the iris family, with fleshy corms and a ...

8 - crocus : définition du mot crocus

crocus, définition du mot crocus. Définition : Plante à bulbe, dont...