CURARE : définition du mot 'curare' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Voir les mots dérivés de curare.

Définition de "curare"

Académie française, 8ème édition

Définition 1 :
Poison violent dont certaines peuplades de l'Amérique méridionale se servent pour empoisonner leurs flèches.

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Définition du mot "curare" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 24/10/2013

1 - curare - definition of curare by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

cu·ra·re also cu·ra·ri (k -rä r , ky -). n. 1. A dark resinous extract obtained from several tropical American woody plants, especially Chondrodendron tomentosum ...

2 - curare - definition of curare by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

curare /cu·ra·re/ (koo-rah´re) any of a wide variety of highly toxic extracts from various botanical sources, used originally as arrow poisons in South America.

3 - curare - definition of curare in the medical dictionary - by the free ...

cu·ra·re. noun \kyu?-?rär-?, ku?-\. Definition of CURARE. : a dried aqueous extract especially of a vine (as Strychnos toxifera of the family Loganiaceae or ...

4 - curare - definition of curare in the medical dictionary - by the free ...

Definition of curare. Provided by Stedman's medical dictionary and Includes medical terms and definitions.

5 - curare - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Les curares sont une famille de médicaments anesthésiques administrés dans le cadre d'anesthésies générales. Les médecins anesthésistes-réanimateurs les ...

6 - curare - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Curare /kju??r??ri?/ is a common name for various arrow poisons originating from South America. It functions by competitively and reversibly inhibiting the ...

7 - curare definition |

curare, définition du mot curare dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Poison d'origine végétale qui...

8 - curare definition |

a blackish, resinlike substance derived from tropical plants of the genus Strychnos, especially S. toxifera, and from the root of pareira, used by certain South ...