DILATANT : définition du mot 'dilatant' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Adjectif , masculin , singulier

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Définition du mot "dilatant" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 18/04/2014

1 - dilatant - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

increasing in viscosity and setting to a solid as a result of deformation by expansion, pressure, or agitation. First Known Use of DILATANT. 1885. Other Physics ...

2 - dilatant - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Physical Chemistry. exhibiting an increase in volume on being changed in shape , owing to a wider spacing between particles. 3. Petrology. (of rock) exhibiting ...

3 - Dilatant | define dilatant at dictionary.com

Jan 17, 2006 ... dilatant. noun. Used by Iggy Pop in an old CBC interview with Peter Gzowski to mean ... Log in with Facebook to save your favorite definitions

4 - Dilatant | define dilatant at dictionary.com

dilater, définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot dilater dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Augmenter le volume d'un...

5 - Urban dictionary: dilatant

di·la·tant (d?-l?t?nt, d?-). adj. 1. Tending to dilate; dilating. 2. Exhibiting dilatancy. n. A dilator. dilatant (da??le?t?nt; d?-). adj. 1. tending to dilate; dilating. 2.

6 - Urban dictionary: dilatant

a. The act or process of expanding; dilation. b. The condition of being expanded or stretched. c. A dilated formation or part. 2. Medicine The condition of being ...

7 - dilater : définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot dilater dans le ...

di·la·tan·cy (d?-l?t?n-s?, d?-). n. pl. di·la·tan·cies. 1. The increase in volume of a granular substance when its shape is changed, because of greater distance ...

8 - dilater : définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot dilater dans le ...

Definitions[edit]. There are two types of deviation from Newton's Law that are observed in real systems. The most common deviation ...