DOCILES : définition du mot 'dociles' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "dociles" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 15/12/2013

1 - docile - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

doc·ile. adjective \?dä-s?l also -?s?(-?)l, especially British ?d?-?s?(-?)l\. : easily taught, led, or controlled. Full Definition of DOCILE. 1. : easily taught <a docile ...

2 - docile - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

docile, définition et synonymes du mot docile dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Qui se montre obéissant...

3 - docile : définition et synonymes du mot docile dans le dictionnaire

[Latin docilis, from doc re, to teach; see dek- in Indo-European roots.] doc ile·ly adv. do·cil i·ty (d -s l -t , d -) n. docile [?d??sa?l]. adj. 1. easy to manage, control,  ...

4 - docile : définition et synonymes du mot docile dans le dictionnaire

Definition of docile : If someone is docile , he is easily taught or handled. If you suddenly became a trouble-maker in class, your teachers would long for the days  ...

5 - docile - definition of docile by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

Disposé à se laisser conduire, diriger ; soumis, obéissant : Élève docile. Cheval docile. Qui manifeste la soumission, la docilité ; complaisant : Un sourire docile.

6 - docile - definition of docile by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

easily managed or handled; tractable: a docile horse. 2. readily trained or taught; teachable. Origin: 1475?85; < Latin docilis readily taught, equivalent to ...

7 - docile - dictionary definition :

You are here; > Home; > English Dictionary; > Definition of ?docile? ... British English: docile A person or animal that is docile is quiet, not aggressive, and easily ...

8 - docile - dictionary definition : - Meaning of docile and a memory aid ...