DOTAUX : définition du mot 'dotaux' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Adjectif , masculin , pluriel

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Définition du mot "dotaux" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 23/02/2011

1 - dotal - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

of or relating to a woman's marriage dowry. Origin of DOTAL. Latin dotalis, from dot-, dos. First Known Use: 1513. Rhymes with DOTAL. motile, scrotal, total ...

2 - Regime dotal - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

regime dotal. Regime dotal, it turns out, isn't in the free Merriam-Webster ...

3 - dotal - definition of dotal by the free online dictionary ...

a. A tiny round mark made by or as if by a pointed instrument; a spot. b. Such a mark used in orthography, as above an i. c. The basic unit of composition ...

4 - dotal financial definition of dotal. dotal finance term by the ...

A computerized order-entry system on the New York Stock Exchange that ...

5 - Extra-dotal property legal definition of extra-dotal property ...

EXTRA-DOTAL PROPERTY. In Louisiana this term is used to designate that ...

6 - dotal - definition of dotal at

noun. a tiny spot, speck, or mark, esp. one made with or as with a pointed object; as. a point used in orthography or punctuation; specif., the mark placed ...

7 - dotal : définition et synonyme de dotal dans le dictionnaire mediadico

Définition du dictionnaire Littré. DOTAL, ALE. Prononciation : do-tal, ta-l'. adj. Terme de jurisprudence. Qui est relatif, qui appartient à la dot. ...

8 - définition - dotal - wikipédia

Definition dotal, source wiki (wikipedia / wiktionary) ou dictionnaire de l' académie Française. Nuage de mots : définition du mot dotal sur ...