EMBATE : définition du mot 'embate' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "embate" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 04/02/2013

1 - embate - spanish to english translation | merriam-webster

<los venezolanos resistían los embates del equipo ecuatorinao>; <el viejo teatro soporta bien los embates del progreso> ...

2 - embate - spanish to english translation | merriam-webster

embate translation english, Portuguese - English dictionary, meaning, see also ' Emater',empate',Embraer',embuste', example of use, definition, conjugation, ...

3 - embate - dictionary, translation, definition - reverso

embate translation english, Spanish - English dictionary, meaning, see also ' embates de la fortuna',embaste',embute',empate', example of use, definition, ...

4 - embate - dictionary, translation, definition - reverso

embate - Significados en español y discusiones con el uso de 'embate'. ... Online Language Dictionaries. Diccionario de la lengua española | embate ...

5 - embate translation english | spanish dictionary | reverso collins

embate - Online Portuguese-English dictionary. ... random word from the dictionary. Or test your knowledge and have each page load with the definition hidden!

6 - embate translation english | spanish dictionary | reverso collins

embate - Traduccion ingles de diccionario ingles. ... word from the dictionary. Or test your knowledge and have each page load with the definition hidden!

7 - embate - definición - wordreference.com

embate - sinónimos de 'embate' en un diccionario de 200.000 sinónimos online. ... Or test your knowledge and have each page load with the definition hidden!

8 - embate - definición - wordreference.com

embâté. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. Aller à : Navigation, rechercher ...