FICTION : définition du mot 'fiction' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Voir les mots dérivés de fiction.

Définition de "fiction"

Académie française, 8ème édition

Définition 1 :
Invention fabuleuse. Fiction poétique. Les fictions de la mythologie. En termes de Jurisprudence, Fiction de droit, fiction légale, Supposition introduite ou autorisée par la loi en faveur de quelqu'un.


Définition 1 :
Invention fabuleuse. Fiction poétique. Les fictions de la mythologie. En termes de Jurisprudence, Fiction de droit, fiction légale, Supposition introduite ou autorisée par la loi en faveur de quelqu’un.

Citations fiction

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Définition du mot "fiction" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 07/12/2013

1 - fiction - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

written stories about people and events that are not real : literature that tells stories which are imagined by the writer. : something that is not true ...

2 - fiction - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

a. An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented. b. The act of inventing such a creation or pretense. 2. A lie. 3. a.

3 - fiction - definition of fiction by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

a. An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented. b. The act of inventing such a creation or pretense. 2. A lie. 3. a.

4 - fiction - definition of fiction by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

fiction, définition et synonymes du mot fiction dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Fait créé à partir...

5 - fictional - definition of fictional by the free online dictionary ...

Fiction is the form of any work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or ..... Writer Philip Roth defined the "sensuous aspects of fiction" as "tone, mood, ...

6 - fictional - definition of fictional by the free online dictionary ...

There have been many attempts at defining science fiction. This is a list of definitions that have been offered by authors, editors, critics and fans over the years ...

7 - fiction : définition et synonymes du mot fiction dans le dictionnaire

the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form. 2. works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction. 3.

8 - fiction : définition et synonymes du mot fiction dans le dictionnaire

I noticed most of the other definitions here completely trash fanfiction. First, definition: Fanfiction is when someone takes either the story or c...