FOLKSONG : définition du mot 'folksong' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "folksong" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 01/10/2012

1 - folk song - what is a folk song - definition of folk song

The folk song is one of the most functional, portable, adaptable and accessible arts of human history.

2 - folk song - what is a folk song - definition of folk song

A consistent definition of traditional folk music is elusive. The terms folk music, folk song, and folk dance are comparatively recent ...

3 - folk song - definition of folk song by the free online dictionary ...

Oct 10, 2011 ... a traditional or composed song typically characterized by stanzaic form, refrain, and simplicity of melody. See folk song defined for ...

4 - folk song - definition of folk song by the free online dictionary ...

a song originating among the people of a country or area, passed by oral tradition from one singer or generation to the next, often existing in several versions, ...

5 - folk song: definition from

A folk song is a song written by the common people or in the style of the common people. (noun). An example of a folk song is the songs sung by hippies during ...

6 - folk song: definition from

Folk Song Definition. In 1954 the International Folk Music Council defined folk music as "the product of a musical tradition that has been evolved through the ...