FULGURATIONS : définition du mot 'fulgurations' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "fulgurations" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 23/07/2014

1 - fulgurations - definition of fulgurations by the free dictionary

Definition of fulgurations in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of fulgurations. Pronunciation of fulgurations. Translations of fulgurations. fulgurations synonyms,  ...

2 - fulgurations - definition of fulgurations by the free dictionary

ful·gu·ra·tion (f l gy -r sh n, -g -, f l -). n. The destruction of tissue, usually malignant tumors, by means of a high-frequency electric current applied with a needlelike ...

3 - fulgurations - definition of fulgurations by medical dictionary

Definition of fulguration from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with ... that brief abyss of absolute reality between two bogus fulgurations of fabricated life".

4 - fulgurations - definition of fulgurations by medical dictionary

Définition du mot fulguration dans le dictionnaire Mediadico. Eclair sans tonnerre . ...

5 - Fulguration - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Definition of fulguration in British and World English in Oxford dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. English to English reference content.

6 - Fulguration - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Vieilli. Synon. de éclair.Et tantôt à la lueur du fanal, tantôt au milieu des fulgurations de la foudre, les colons se lancèrent sur la voie tracée par le fil ( Verne, ...

7 - Fulguration définition - dictionnaire mediadico - notrefamille.com

fulgur. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation, search. See also: Fulgur. Contents. 1 Latin. 1.1 Alternative forms; 1.2 Etymology; 1.3 ...

8 - Fulguration définition - dictionnaire mediadico - notrefamille.com

Définition linguistique[modifier | modifier le code]. L'hyperbate ... La conjonction et introduit ici le complément les fulgurations qui prolonge l'image. Un signe de ...