GANGSTER : définition du mot 'gangster' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Nom commun , masculin , singulier

Voir les mots dérivés de gangster.

Définition de "gangster"


Définition 1 :
Malfaiteur de carrière, membre d’une organisation criminelle. Al Capone est l'un des gangsters les plus connus.

Citations gangster

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Citation 1 :

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Définition du mot "gangster" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 22/11/2013

1 - Urban dictionary: gangster

There are two types of "gangster": 1) A wannabe thug, often illiterate and an inhabitant of a downtrodden ghetto that hangs around in "gangs"; larg...

2 - Urban dictionary: gangster

A member of an organized group of criminals; a racketeer. 2. A member of a gang of delinquents. gang ster·dom n. gang ster·ism n. gangster [?gæ?st?]. n.

3 - gangster - definition of gangster by the free online dictionary ...

noun \?ga?-st?r\. : a member of a group of violent criminals. Full Definition of GANGSTER. : a member of a gang of criminals : racketeer. ? gang·ster·dom

4 - gangster - definition of gangster by the free online dictionary ...

Elmer Irey, official of the United States Treasury Department, defined Torrio «the biggest gangster in America», «the smartest and the best of all the hoodlums» ...

5 - gangster - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

gangster, définition et synonymes du mot gangster dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Bandit, malfaiteur...

6 - gangster - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Definition of gangster in American English in Oxford dictionary (US). Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. English to English reference content.