HEXAGONAL : définition du mot 'hexagonal' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Voir les mots dérivés de hexagonal.

Définition de "hexagonal"

Académie française, 8ème édition

Définition 1 :
T. de Géométrie. Qui a la forme d'un hexagone. En termes de Fortification, Un ouvrage hexagonal.

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Définition du mot "hexagonal" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 14/09/2012

1 - hexagonal : définition et synonymes du mot hexagonal dans le ...

hexagonal, définition et synonymes du mot hexagonal dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Qui a six côtés...

2 - hexagonal : définition et synonymes du mot hexagonal dans le ...

hex n. An evil spell; a curse. One that brings bad luck. tr.v. , hexed , hexing , hexes . To put a hex on.

3 - hex: definition, synonyms from answers.com

of, pertaining to, or having the form of a hexagon. 2. having a hexagon as a base or cross section: a hexagonal prism. 3. divided into hexagons, as a surface. 4.

4 - hex: definition, synonyms from answers.com

hex·ag·o·nal (h k-s g -n l). adj. 1. Having six sides. 2. Containing a hexagon or shaped like one. 3. Mineralogy Having three equal axes intersecting at angles of ...

5 - Hexagonal | define hexagonal at dictionary.com

To bring or wish bad luck to: "Chilly evening weather and a chain of minor snafus seemed to hex the $5,000-a-seat gala on Governors Island" (Newsweek).

6 - Hexagonal | define hexagonal at dictionary.com

hex·a·gon (h k s -g n ). n. A polygon having six sides. [Latin hexag num, from Greek hexag nos, having six angles : hexa-, hexa- + -g nos, angled; see -gon.] ...

7 - hexagonal - definition of hexagonal by the free online dictionary ...

hexagonal définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'pseudo-hexagonal', hexagonaux',pseudo-hexagonaux',hexagone', expression, exemple, usage, ...

8 - hexagonal - definition of hexagonal by the free online dictionary ...

Dec 4, 2011 ... About Our Definitions: All forms of a word (noun, verb, etc.) are now displayed on one page. 2 ENTRIES FOUND: hexagonal · hexagonal ...