HYDROLITHE : définition du mot 'hydrolithe' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "hydrolithe" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 27/01/2012

1 - hydrolithe : définition et synonyme de hydrolithe dans le dictionnaire ...

Définition hydrolithe: Hydrure de calcium dont la molécule comprend 1 atome de calcium et 2 atomes d'hydrogène. C'est une substance qui est décomposée.

2 - Sequoia - hydrolight

Jun 30, 2011... by reading in user-supplied data, or by writing their own Fortran subroutines to define their input. HydroLight then solves the scalar radiative ...

3 - Hydrolight ? ocean optics web book

Aug 17, 2011 ... The user can also write subroutines to define the IOPs in any chosen way. The input sky radiance distribution can be completely arbitrary in the ...

4 - Overview of hydrolight

If the bottom is a Lambertian reflecting surface at a finite depth, the BRDF is defined in terms of the irradiance reflectance of the bottom. For infinitely deep water, ...

5 - hydrolite-tm

The HydroLite-TM from Seafloor Systems, Inc. is an integrated hydrographic ... to provide independent ?pings? that define the water bottom in greater detail.

6 - Light fields and optics in coastal waters - coastal wiki

Aug 3, 2011 ... Planar and scalar irradiances Ex(?) are generated by integrating radiances over defined intervals of solid angle Dw. They have units of W m-2 ...

7 - Hydrolight 4.0 u/ert guide

the like?can be computed from their definitions once the radiance is known. HYDROLIGHT 4.0 is a radiative transfer numerical model that computes radiance ...