IGNORES : définition du mot 'ignores' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition de "ignores"


Définition 1 :
Du verbe ignorer.

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Définition du mot "ignores" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 13/01/2012

1 - ignore - definition of ignore by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

tr.v. ig·nored, ig·nor·ing, ig·nores. To refuse to pay attention to; disregard. [French ignorer, from Old French, from Latin ign r re; see gn - in Indo-European roots.] ...

2 - ignore - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded. ? ig·nor·able \-?n?r-?-b?l\ adjective. ? ig·nor·er noun. See ignore defined for English-language learners » ...

3 - Ignorer : définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot ignorer dans ...

ignorer, définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot ignorer dans le dictionnaire . Définition : Ne pas savoir... ... "Ce sera ma loi d'avoir vécu célèbre et ignoré. ...

4 - Ignore | define ignore at dictionary.com

/?g?n?r, -?no?r/ Show Spelled[ig-nawr, -nohr] Show IPA. verb (used with object ), -nored, -nor·ing. 1. to refrain from noticing or recognizing: to ignore insulting ...

5 - ignore - definition of ignore by macmillan dictionary

Define ignore. What is ignore? ignore meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.

6 - ignore: definition, synonyms from answers.com

ignore ( ) tr.v. , -nored , -noring , -nores . To refuse to pay attention to; disregard. [ French ignorer , from Old French, from Latin ign?r?re .]

7 - Tiles users - el-expression in definition ignores page-scope

EL-Expression in definition ignores page-scope. Hello! I am trying to decorate one base-template mit varying extra-functionality. For example ...

8 - ignore synonyms, ignore antonyms | thesaurus.com

Synonyms for ignore at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.