IMPERFECTIONS : définition du mot 'imperfections' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "imperfections" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 20/10/2012

1 - imperfection : définition et synonymes du mot imperfection dans le ...

imperfection, définition et synonymes du mot imperfection dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Caractère de ce qui...

2 - imperfection : définition et synonymes du mot imperfection dans le ...

im·per·fec·tion ( m p r-f k sh n). n. 1. The quality or condition of being imperfect. 2. Something imperfect; a defect or flaw. See Synonyms at blemish.

3 - imperfection - definition of imperfection by the free online dictionary ...

an imperfect detail; flaw: a law full of imperfections. 2. the quality or condition of being imperfect. Relevant Questions. How To Repair Imperfecti... How To Fix ...

4 - imperfection - definition of imperfection by the free online dictionary ...

Definition of imperfection with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish translations and search. Pronunciation sound files.

5 - Imperfection | define imperfection at

the quality or state of being imperfect; also : fault, blemish · See imperfection defined for English-language learners » · See imperfection defined for kids » ...

6 - Imperfection | define imperfection at

Définition imperfection: Etat de ce qui est imparfait. Défaut.

7 - definition of imperfection

Define imperfection. What is imperfection? imperfection meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.

8 - definition of imperfection

imperfection n. The quality or condition of being imperfect. Something imperfect; a defect or flaw.