INDURATIONS : définition du mot 'indurations' dans le dictionnaire français -


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dernière mise à jour le 26/06/2014

1 - induration - medical definition and more from merriam-webster

in·du·ra·tion. noun \?in-d(y)?-?r?-sh?n\. Definition of INDURATION. 1. : an increase in the fibrous elements in tissue commonly associated with inflammation and ...

2 - induration - medical definition and more from merriam-webster

Definition of induration in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of induration. Pronunciation of induration. Translations of induration. induration synonyms, induration ...

3 - induration - definition of induration by the free online dictionary ...

induration /in·du·ra·tion/ (in?du-ra´shun). 1. sclerosis or hardening. 2. hardness. 3. an abnormally hard spot or´durative ...

4 - induration - definition of induration by the free online dictionary ...

Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions. ... Definition of Induration ... Induration: Localized hardening of soft tissue of the body. The area ...

5 - induration - definition of induration in the medical dictionary - by the ...

induration, définition et synonymes du mot induration dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Durcissement d'un tissu...

6 - induration - definition of induration in the medical dictionary - by the ...

a hardening of an area of the body as a reaction to inflammation, hyperemia, or neoplastic infiltration. b. an area or part of the body that has undergone such a ...

7 - induration definition - medical dictionary: definitions of popular ...

induration, hardening of rocks by heat or baking; also the hardening of sediments through cementation or compaction, or both, without the introduction of heat.

8 - induration definition - medical dictionary: definitions of popular ...

Definition of induration ? Our online dictionary has induration information from A Dictionary of Nursing dictionary. English, psychology and ...