LAMELLATION : définition du mot 'lamellation' dans le dictionnaire français -


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dernière mise à jour le 01/10/2013

1 - Lamellation | define lamellation at

noun Anatomy. an arrangement or structure in which there are thin layers, plates, or scales. Origin: 1900?05; lamell(a) + -ation. Unabridged

2 - Lamellation | define lamellation at

la·mel·late (l -m l t , l m -l t ). adj. 1. Having, composed of, or arranged in lamellae. 2. Resembling a lamella. lam el·la ted adj. lam el·la tion n. lam·el·lar (lam'?-l?r, ...

3 - lamellation - definition of lamellation in the medical dictionary - by ...

la·mel·late (l -m l t , l m -l t ). adj. 1. Having, composed of, or arranged in lamellae. 2. Resembling a lamella. lam el·lat ed adj. lam el·la tion n. lam?el?la?tion (?læm ...

4 - lamellation - definition of lamellation in the medical dictionary - by ...

Definition of lamellated in the Medical Dictionary. lamellated explanation. Information about ... Meaning of lamellated medical term. What does ... lamellation

5 - lamellation - definition of lamellation by the free online dictionary ...

lamellation définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'lamelle',lamellé', lamelleux',lamelleuse', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, contraire ...

6 - lamellation - definition of lamellation by the free online dictionary ...

lallation définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'lamellation',lallans', labellisation',lantillon', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, contraire, ...

7 - Lamellated - definition of lamellated in the medical dictionary - by the ...

Lamellation : Définition du mot Lamellation - Dictionnaire des définitions.

8 - Lamellated - definition of lamellated in the medical dictionary - by the ...

composed of or furnished with lamellae. 2. : lamellar 2. ? la·mel·late·ly adverb. First Known Use of LAMELLATE. 1826. Rhymes with LAMELLATE. appellate ...