LENTO : définition du mot 'lento' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Voir les mots dérivés de lento.

Définition de "lento"

Académie française, 8ème édition

Définition 1 :
emprunté de l'italien. T. de Musique. Lentement.


Définition 1 :
(Musique) Lentement.

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Définition du mot "lento" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 13/09/2013

1 - lento - definition of lento by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

In a slow tempo. Used chiefly as a direction. n. pl. len·tos. A lento passage or movement. [Italian, from Latin lentus, slow.] lento [?l?nt??] Music. adj & adv.

2 - lento - definition of lento by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

Definition of LENTO. : at a slow tempo ?used especially as a direction in music. See lento defined for kids ». Origin of LENTO. Italian, from lento, adjective, slow, ...

3 - lento - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

doppio piu lento. adverb or adjective \-?pyü?len? t?, -p??ü-\. Definition of DOPPIO PIU LENTO. : twice as slow as the preceding ?used as a direction in music ...

4 - lento - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

lento ?adj, ?adv. 1. to be performed slowly. ?n , -tos. 2. a movement or passage performed in this way. [C18: Italian, from Latin lentus slow]. Collins English ...

5 - Doppio piu lento - definition and more from the free merriam ...

Music Glossary » Lento. Lento - Musical Definition. Lento - Slow Examples of use . 8va · A Cappella · A piacere · A tempo · Accelerando ( Accel.) Acciaccatura

6 - Doppio piu lento - definition and more from the free merriam ...

lento, lentos. nom masculin. Morceau exécuté dans ce mouvement. Le Jeu du Dictionnaire. Plus de 1 700 questions réparties sur 3 jeux et 3 niveaux de difficulté ...

7 - Lento | define lento at dictionary.com

Definition of lento in British and World English in Oxford dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. English to English reference content.

8 - Lento | define lento at dictionary.com

lento, retrouvez la définition de lento, la conjugaisons de lento et les synonymes de lento dans le dictionnaire. Définition : {adv.} Indication mu....