LIONS : définition du mot 'lions' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Nom commun , masculin , pluriel

Voir les mots dérivés de lion.

Définition de "lions"


Définition 1 :
Pluriel de lion.

Citations lions

Quelques phrases sur le mot lions glanées ici et là sur le Web afin d'illustrer et mieux comprendre le mot lions.

Citation 1 :

Citation 2 :
Tant que les lions n'auront pas leurs propres historiens, les histoires de chasse ne pourront que chanter la gloire du chasseur.

Citation 3 :

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Définition du mot "lions" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 17/01/2012

1 - lion : définition et synonyme de lion dans le dictionnaire mediadico

Définition lion: Mammifère carnassier de la famille des félidés. Homme intrépide.

2 - lion - definition of lion by the free online dictionary, thesaurus and ...

A large carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera leo) of Africa and northwest India, having a short tawny coat, a tufted tail, and, in the male, a heavy mane around ...

3 - lion pride - definition of lion pride

Lions are the only cat species that forms social groups. All other cats are lone hunters. The social groups lions form are called prides. A pride of lions typically ...

4 - Lion | define lion at

a large, usually tawny-yellow cat, Panthera leo, native to Africa and southern Asia , having a tufted tail and, in the male, a large mane. 2. any of various related ...

5 - definition of lion - brainyquote

Definition of Lion. Lion. A large carnivorous feline mammal (Felis leo), found in Southern Asia and in most parts of Africa, distinct varieties occurring in the ...

6 - lion: definition, synonyms from

lion n. A large carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera leo) of Africa and northwest India, having a short tawny coat, a tufted tail, and, in the male,

7 - lion - definition of lion

noun pl. lions or lion. a large, powerful cat (Panthera leo), found in Africa and SW Asia, with a tawny coat, a tufted tail, and, in the adult male, a shaggy mane: in ...

8 - What is a linkedin lion open networker? a 2009 definition update

Mar 2, 2009 ... A revised look at the definition of a LinkedIn LION or LinkedIn Open Networkers.