MEDICAMENTS : définition du mot 'médicaments' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition 1 :
Masculin pluriel de médicament.

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dernière mise à jour le 10/11/2013

1 - medicament - definition of medicament by the free online dictionary ...

Definition of medicament in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of medicament. Pronunciation of medicament. Translations of medicament. medicament synonyms, ...

2 - medicament - definition of medicament by the free online dictionary ...

Definition of Medicaments in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Medicaments. Pronunciation of Medicaments. Translations of Medicaments. Medicaments ...

3 - medicaments - definition of medicaments by the free online ...

La notion de médicament est précisément définie en France par l'article L5111-1 du Code de la santé publique : « On entend ...

4 - medicaments - definition of medicaments by the free online ...

Definition of medicament : ... DEFINITIONS OF: medicament. 1. n (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease. Synonyms: ...

5 - medicament - dictionary definition :

médicament, définition et synonymes du mot médicament dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Substance employée pour combattre...

6 - medicament - dictionary definition :

Define medicament. What is medicament? medicament meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.