OBSTINENT : définition du mot 'obstinent' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "obstinent" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 15/09/2015

1 - obstinate | definition of obstinate by merriam-webster

refusing to change your behavior or your ideas. : difficult to deal with, remove, etc. Is It 'Attorney Generals' Or 'Attorneys General'? » ...

2 - obstinate | definition of obstinate by merriam-webster

adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion. 2. : not easily subdued, remedied, or removed <obstinate fever> ...

3 - obstinate medical definition | merriam-webster medical dictionary

firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty. 2. characterized by inflexible persistence or an ...

4 - obstinate medical definition | merriam-webster medical dictionary

Définition de obstinent dans le dictionnaire français en ligne. Sens du mot. Prononciation de obstinent définition obstinent traduction obstinent signification ...

5 - Obstinate | define obstinate at dictionary.com

a. Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate. b. Characterized by such adherence: an obstinate refusal. 2. Difficult to manage ...

6 - Obstinate | define obstinate at dictionary.com

It's not that he forgot .... what concerns me is his tendency for anger and obstinent behavior. McCain incorrectly denies criticizing media's Clinton coverage.

7 - Obstinent traduction obstinent définition obstinent dictionnaire

The definition of obstinate is extremely stubborn and determined to have your own way. An example of obstinate is a person who drives during a severe ...

8 - Obstinent traduction obstinent définition obstinent dictionnaire

S'obstiner : définition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue ... il s'obstine; nous nous obstinons; vous vous obstinez; ils s'obstinent.