OPINENT : définition du mot 'opinent' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "opinent" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 11/09/2013

1 - opiner : définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot opiner dans le ...

opiner, définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot opiner dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Approuver...

2 - opiner : définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot opiner dans le ...

Many people opine that the content of Web pages should be better regulated. You can opine about any subject you like. Origin of OPINE. Middle English ...

3 - opine - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

v. o·pined, o·pin·ing, o·pines. v.tr. To state as an opinion. v.intr. To express an opinion: opined on the defendant's testimony.

4 - opine - definition and more from the free merriam-webster dictionary

Co-host Lauren Schiller is a professional opiner and commentator, who likes to lift the rug on the topics most people sweep under. Comcast Hometown Network  ...

5 - opine - definition of opine by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

opine verb - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for opine verb: to express an opinion: : See more in British English Dictionary - Cambridge ...

6 - opine - definition of opine by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

Definition of opine : The verb opine is used when someone speaks up and expresses an opinion. You might opine that dogs are highly preferable to cats.

7 - opiner - definition of opiner by the free online dictionary ...

opiner, retrouvez la définition de opiner, la conjugaisons de opiner et les synonymes de opiner dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Acquiescer, approuve....

8 - opiner - definition of opiner by the free online dictionary ...

Opine definition, to hold or express an opinion. See more.