OSTROGOTHS : définition du mot 'ostrogoths' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "ostrogoths" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 22/02/2011

1 - ostrogoth: definition from answers.com

Ostrogoth ( ) n. One of a tribe of eastern Goths that conquered and ruled Italy from A.D. 493 to 555.

2 - ostrogoths definition of ostrogoths in the free online encyclopedia.

Ostrogoths (East Goths), division of the Goths, one of the most important groups of the Germans Germans, great ethnic complex of ancient Europe, ...

3 - ostrogothic - definition of ostrogothic by the free online ...

One of a tribe of eastern Goths that conquered and ruled Italy from a.d. 493 ...

4 - ostrogoth : définition et synonymes du mot ostrogoth

ostrogoth, définition et synonymes du mot ostrogoth. Définition : Individu bourru, étrange...

5 - ostrogoths - definition

This article deals with the continental Ostrogoths. For information on the Ostrogoths that Jordanes placed in Scandinavia, see Ostrogothia, Scandza and ...

6 - ostrogoth - definition of ostrogoth at yourdictionary.com

an East Goth; esp., a member of the group that conquered Italy in the 5th cent. Origin: LL Ostrogothus, earlier Austrogoti (pl.) < Gmc *austra-, east + LL ...

7 - ostrogoths - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

a member of the eastern division of the Goths. ? Os·tro·goth·ic \?äs-tr?-?gä- thik\ adjective. Origin of OSTROGOTH. Middle English, from Late Latin ...

8 - ostrogoth | define ostrogoth at dictionary.com

a member of the easterly division of the Goths, maintaining a monarchy in Italy, a.d. 493?555. Use Ostrogoth in a Sentence · See images of Ostrogoth ...