PALESTINIEN : définition du mot 'palestinien' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Adjectif , masculin , singulier

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Définition de "palestinien"

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Citations palestinien

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Définition du mot "palestinien" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 23/04/2013

1 - palestinian - definition of palestinian by the free online dictionary ...

palestinien, définition du mot palestinien dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Relatif à la Palestine...

2 - palestinian - definition of palestinian by the free online dictionary ...

Palestine A historical region of southwest Asia at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and roughly coextensive with modern Israel and the West Bank.

3 - palestine - definition of palestine by the free online dictionary ...

Also called Holy Land. Biblical name Canaan. an ancient country in SW Asia, on the E coast of the Mediterranean. 2. a former British mandate (1923?48) ...

4 - palestine - definition of palestine by the free online dictionary ...

Under UNRWA's operational definition, Palestine refugees are people whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who ...