PENSIVEMENT : définition du mot 'pensivement' dans le dictionnaire français -


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dernière mise à jour le 18/11/2013

1 - pensive - definition of pensive by the free online dictionary ...

[Middle English pensif, from Old French, from penser, to think, from Latin p ns re, frequentative of pendere, to weigh; see (s)pen- in Indo-European roots.] ...

2 - pensive - definition of pensive by the free online dictionary ...

pensif, définition et synonymes du mot pensif dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Qui est absorbé par...

3 - pensif : définition et synonymes du mot pensif dans le dictionnaire

The child sat by himself, looking pensive. <rainy days often put her in a pensive mood> ? the combination of national crisis and imminent electoral victory ...

4 - pensif : définition et synonymes du mot pensif dans le dictionnaire

expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness: a pensive adagio. Origin: 1325?75; < French (feminine); replacing Middle English ...

5 - pensive - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

pensivement définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'pensive',pensement' ,péniblement',pensée', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, ...

6 - pensive - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Definition of pensive : See that person staring out the window who looks so sad and lost in thought? He is pensive , the opposite of cheery and carefree.

7 - Pensive | define pensive at

pensive adj - definition, audio pronuncation and more for pensive adj: quiet and thinking seriously: See more in American English Dictionary - Cambridge ...

8 - Pensive | define pensive at

Synonyms for pensive at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.