PHOSPHATES : définition du mot 'phosphates' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "phosphates" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 16/11/2012

1 - phosphate : définition

20 sept. 2012 ... Définition PHOSPHATE. Un phosphate, un produit chimique inorganique, est chimiquement un sel ou un ester de l'acide phosphorique, ...

2 - phosphate : définition

(loosely) a salt or ester of phosphoric acid. b. a tertiary salt of orthophosphoric acid, as sodium phosphate. 2. Agriculture. a fertilizing material containing ...

3 - Phosphate | define phosphate at

Definition of phosphates: Inorganic compounds containing phosphorous. Used in fertilizers (as plant nutrient) and in detergents (as 'builders' or water softeners), ...

4 - Phosphate | define phosphate at

Roches sédimentaires formées de minéraux phosphatés soit amorphes ou cryptocristallins (collophanite), soit finement cristallins (apatite). Ces minéraux se ...

5 - What is phosphates? definition and meaning

phosphate, définition du mot phosphate dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Sel de l' acide phosphorique...

6 - What is phosphates? definition and meaning

phosphate n. A salt or ester of phosphoric acid. A fertilizer containing phosphorus compounds. A soda fountain drink made by blending carbonated water.

7 - définition > phosphates

A soda fountain drink made by blending carbonated water with flavored syrup. [ phosph(o)- + -ate.] phos·phat ic (f s-f t k) adj. phosphate [?f?sfe?t]. n. 1.

8 - définition > phosphates

a (1) : a salt or ester of a phosphoric acid (2) : the trivalent anion PO43? derived from phosphoric acid H3PO4. b : an organic compound of phosphoric acid in ...