PLANTAGE : définition du mot 'plantage' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "plantage" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 19/02/2012

1 - planter - definition of planter by the free online dictionary ...

b. A machine or tool for planting seeds. 2. The owner or manager of a plantation: cotton and rice planters. 3. An early settler or colonist. 4. A decorative container ...

2 - plantage - definition of plantage by the free online dictionary ...

n. 1. A word used once by Shakespeare to designate plants in general, or anything that is planted. As true as steel, as plantage to the moon. - Shak. (Troil. iii. sc.

3 - plantage : définition et synonyme de plantage dans le dictionnaire ...

Définition plantage: Action de planter. Dans une fabrique de cordes, charpente où sont fixées les manivelles qui servent à tordre les cordages.

4 - planter : définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot planter dans ...

planter, définition, synonymes et conjugaison du mot planter dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Mettre en terre un...

5 - planter - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

one that cultivates plants: as a (1) : farmer (2) : one who owns or operates a plantation b : a planting machine or implement. 2. : one who settles or founds a place ...

6 - plantage - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

... can log in using Facebook.) Dictionary; Thesaurus; Spanish; Medical; Concise Encyclopedia. plantage. plant·age. noun \?plantij\. -s. Definition of PLANTAGE ...

7 - plantage definition | french definition dictionary | reverso

plantage definition, meaning, French dictionary, synonym, see also 'planage',' plantalgie','plante','plantaginée', Reverso dictionary, French definition, French ...

8 - planter: definition from

planter n. One who plants. A machine or tool for planting seeds. The owner or manager of a plantation: cotton and rice planters.