POLYPHASEE : définition du mot 'polyphasée' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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1 - définitions : polyphasé, polyphasée - dictionnaire de français ...

polyphasé, polyphasée - Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de polyphasé, polyphasée, ainsi que les synonymes, expressions... - Dictionnaire ...

2 - définitions : polyphasé, polyphasée - dictionnaire de français ...

of or relating to a set of alternating currents that have the same frequency but different phases and that enter a specified region at more than two points. Origin of ...

3 - Polyphase | define polyphase at dictionary.com

(Electrical Engineering) Also: multiphase (of an electrical system, circuit, or device) having, generating, or using two or more alternating voltages of the same  ...

4 - Polyphase | define polyphase at dictionary.com

Polyphase systems have three or more energized electrical conductors carrying ... A polyphase system must provide a defined direction of phase rotation, ...

5 - polyphase - definition of polyphase by the free dictionary

having or producing two or more phases <a polyphase machine> <a polyphase current>. ADVERTISEMENT. Ask The Editor Videos. Lay vs. Lie · 'Try and' vs.

6 - polyphase - definition of polyphase by the free dictionary

Define polyphase induction motor: an alternating-current motor having polyphase (as 3-phase) windings?usage, synonyms, more.