PULSATIVES : définition du mot 'pulsatives' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Adjectif , , pluriel

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dernière mise à jour le 31/07/2013

1 - pulsating - definition of pulsating by the free online dictionary ...

intr.v. pul·sat·ed, pul·sat·ing, pul·sates. 1. To expand and contract rhythmically; beat. 2. To quiver; vibrate. [Latin puls re, puls t-, frequentative of pellere, to beat; ...

2 - pulsating - definition of pulsating by the free online dictionary ...

Pulsative tinnitus is very uncommon and usually, patients with this tumor experience other simultaneous sounds different from the pulsatile noise produced.

3 - pulsative - definition of pulsative by the free online dictionary ...

pulsative, retrouvez la définition de pulsative, les synonymes de pulsative dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Se dit d'une douleur....

4 - pulsative - definition of pulsative by the free online dictionary ...

pulsatile définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'pulsatille',pulsatilité', pulsative',pulsatoire', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, contraire, ...

5 - pulsative définition et synonyme - dictionnaire mediadico

Definition of pulsate from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, ... People danced to the pulsating sounds of hip-hop.

6 - pulsative définition et synonyme - dictionnaire mediadico

pul·sa·tile. adjective \?p?l-s?-t?l, -?t?(-?)l\. Definition of PULSATILE. : of or marked by pulsation. First Known Use of PULSATILE. 1541. Rhymes with PULSATILE.

7 - définition pulsatile | dictionnaire définition français | reverso

Pulsate definition, to expand and contract rhythmically, as the heart; beat; throb. ... 2. physics to vary in intensity, magnitude, size, etc: the current was pulsating.

8 - définition pulsatile | dictionnaire définition français | reverso

pulsatile ?adj. beating rhythmically; pulsating or throbbing. pulsatility. ?n. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009 © William  ...