RECHARGE : définition du mot 'recharge' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "recharge" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 17/03/2011

1 - recharge : définition et synonymes du mot recharge

recharge, définition et synonymes du mot recharge. Définition : Fait de charger à...

2 - recharge - definition of recharge by the free online dictionary ...

tr.v. re·charged, re·charg·ing, re·charg·es. To charge again, especially to reenergize a storage battery. re charge n. re·charge a·ble adj. re·charg er n. ...

3 - recharge : définition et synonyme de recharge dans le dictionnaire ...

Définition recharge: Action de recharger.Charge nouvelle.Remplacement d'un élément usé par un autre.[hydraulique, hydrogéologie] Di.

4 - recharge - definition of recharge at

re·charge (r? c?härj?; also, & for n. always, r??c?härj?). transitive verb, intransitive verb recharged -·charged?, recharging -·charg?·ing ...

5 - recharge definition

RECHARGE, in accounting, normally involves an activity that provides a specific, ongoing and repetitive good or service to an entity or projects and ...

6 - recharge | define recharge at

/v. ri?t??rd?; n. ri?t??rd?, ?ri?t??rd?/ Show Spelled [v. ree-chahrj; n. ree- chahrj, ree-chahrj] Show IPA verb, -charged, -charg·ing, noun ...

7 - Slang definition: "recharge one's batteries"

If anyone deserves a break, it's Beyoncé. In the last couple of years, she has starred in movies, sung for President ...

8 - * recharge - (environment): definition

Recharge - Topic:Environment - Online Encyclopedia.