RINCEAUX : définition du mot 'rinceaux' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition de "rinceaux"

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Définition du mot "rinceaux" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 24/02/2014

1 - rinceau - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

an ornamental motif consisting essentially of a sinuous and branching scroll elaborated with leaves and other natural forms (as derived from the acanthus) ...

2 - rinceau - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Origin: 1770?80; < French; Middle French rainsel < Vulgar Latin *r?muscellus, derivative of Late Latin r?musculus, diminutive of r?mus branch (see ramus).

3 - Rinceaux | define rinceaux at dictionary.com

Rinceau, from the French, meaning foliage. In architecture and the decorative arts, a decorative form consisting of a continuous wavy stemlike motif from which  ...

4 - Rinceaux | define rinceaux at dictionary.com

Le rinceau désigne un motif d'« arabesque de feuillages, de fleurs ou de fruits sculptée ou peinte servant d'ornement en architecture ou dans les arts décoratifs.