SIALAGOGUES : définition du mot 'sialagogues' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Voir les mots dérivés de sialagogue.

Définition de "sialagogues"

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Définition du mot "sialagogues" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 08/02/2013

1 - Sialagogue définition et synonyme

sialagogue, retrouvez la définition de sialagogue, les synonymes de sialagogue dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Qui provoque la sécr....

2 - Sialagogue définition et synonyme

Jan 31, 2011 ... Use of sialagogues resulted in a 61-76% improvement in dry mouth ... types of control groups, and outcome definitions and reporting, all of ...

3 - Treatment of primary sjogren syndrome: a systematic review

Type: Term Pronunciation: an?t?-s?-al??-gog Definitions: 1. An agent ... that decrease the production of saliva and their effect is opposite to that of sialagogues.

4 - Treatment of primary sjogren syndrome: a systematic review

Definitions. noun. (medicine) one who employs sialagogues. Sponsored Links. Comments. Log in to comment on this word. Spread the Word. Latest New Word ...

5 - Antisialagogue (meaning of)

sedatives sialagogues soporifics stimulants stomachics styptics tonics vulneraries. Bowenwork FAQ. Herbal Properties Galactagogues - Vulneraries ( Definitions) ...

6 - Antisialagogue (meaning of)

While you could go through this list and try to memorize terms and definitions, ..... activity of any sort of tissue or process... sialagogues are therefore stimulants.

7 - Definition of salivator | collins english dictionary

Dec 13, 2012 ... Definitions. prevent & control oral & craniofacial diseases & conditions", The Primary goal of Healthy People 2020 is to: Cost Lack of dental ...

8 - Definition of salivator | collins english dictionary

... caring for a · Dental terminology dictionary for definitions of dental terms · A to Z reference ... Sialagogues stimulate saliva production and may be considered.