STICK : définition du mot 'stick' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "stick" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 23/08/2012

1 - stick : définition et synonymes du mot stick dans le dictionnaire

stick, définition et synonymes du mot stick dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Canne flexible...

2 - stick : définition et synonymes du mot stick dans le dictionnaire

a. A branch or stem cut from a tree or shrub. b. A piece of wood, such as a tree branch, that is used for fuel, cut for lumber, or shaped for a specific purpose. c.

3 - stick - definition of stick by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

(also tr) to adhere or cause to adhere to. 2. to continue constantly at. 3. to remain faithful to. 4. not to move or digress from the speaker stuck closely to his subject ...

4 - stick - definition of stick by the free online dictionary, thesaurus ...

stick with. vb. (intr, preposition) Informal to persevere with; remain faithful to. ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms ...

5 - stick to - definition of stick to by the free online dictionary ...

a branch or shoot of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off. 2. a relatively long and slender piece of wood. 3. a long piece of wood for use as fuel, ...

6 - stick to - definition of stick to by the free online dictionary ...

a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub: as a : a usually dry or dead severed shoot, twig, or slender branch b : a cut or broken branch or piece of wood gathered ...

7 - stick with - definition of stick with by the free online dictionary ...

finger stick (noun) · finger-stick (adjective). finger stick. noun \-?stik\. Definition of FINGER STICK. : an instance of pricking the skin of a finger to obtain blood from ...

8 - stick with - definition of stick with by the free online dictionary ...

Define stick to. What is stick to? stick to meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.