STRIPPER : définition du mot 'stripper' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "stripper" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 23/12/2012

1 - Stripper | define stripper at

a thing that strips, as an appliance or machine for stripping. 3. Also called ecdysiast, exotic dancer, stripteaser. a person who performs a striptease. 4.

2 - Stripper | define stripper at

One that strips, as one that strips photographic negatives or positives. 2. A chemical product for removing a surface covering, such as paint or varnish, from ...

3 - stripper - definition of stripper by the free online dictionary ...

British English: stripper Pronunciation for stripper A stripper is a person who earns money by taking off their clothes slowly and in a sexy way to music....a male ...

4 - stripper - definition of stripper by the free online dictionary ...

stripper, retrouvez la définition de stripper, les synonymes de stripper dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Appareil utilisé pou....

5 - definition of stripper | collins english dictionary

stripper définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'stripeur',strier',strip-poker', strip', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, contraire, ...

6 - definition of stripper | collins english dictionary

A stripper is a person or thing that takes things off. (noun). An example of a stripper is a woman who gets paid to dance and take her clothes off on stage.

7 - stripper définition et synonyme

a machine that separates a desired part of an agricultural crop. 4. : an oil well that produces 10 barrels or less per day. See stripper defined for English-language ...

8 - stripper définition et synonyme

These activities are not mutually exclusive, meaning that a stripper who models on the side would be a stripper and model. Adult industry trade shows often have ...