SUGGESTIVES : définition du mot 'suggestives' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Adjectif , , pluriel

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Définition du mot "suggestives" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 03/05/2012

1 - suggestif : définition et synonymes du mot suggestif dans le ...

suggestif, définition et synonymes du mot suggestif dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Evocateur, qui suggère des...

2 - suggestif : définition et synonymes du mot suggestif dans le ...

Définition de suggestives dans le dictionnaire français en ligne. Sens du mot. Prononciation de suggestives définition suggestives traduction suggestives ...

3 - Suggestives traduction suggestives définition suggestives dictionnaire

sug·ges·tive (s g-j s t v, s -j s -). adj. 1. a. Tending to suggest; evocative: artifacts suggestive of an ancient society. b. Stimulating further thought: "Suggestive here ...

4 - Suggestives traduction suggestives définition suggestives dictionnaire

serving to indicate <a butterfly-shaped red rash?is highly suggestive of the disease?S. E. Goldfinger et al>. 2. : tending to act like or have the effect of ...

5 - suggestive - definition of suggestive by the free online dictionary ...

suggestive définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'suggestif','suggestion',' auto-suggestion','contre-suggestion', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, ...

6 - suggestive - definition of suggestive by the free online dictionary ...

suggestive adj. Tending to suggest; evocative: artifacts suggestive of an ancient society. Stimulating further thought: 'Suggestive here is the Southern,

7 - suggestive - medical definition and more from merriam-webster

Suggestive Selling - Definition of Suggestive Selling on Investopedia - A sales technique where the employee asks the customer if they would like to include an ...

8 - suggestive - medical definition and more from merriam-webster

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