TALKIE-WALKIE : définition du mot 'talkie-walkie' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "talkie-walkie" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 14/11/2013

1 - walkie-talkie - definition of walkie-talkie by the free online ...

walk·ie-talk·ie also walk·y-talk·y (wô k -tô k ). n. pl. walk·ie-talk·ies also walk·y-talk· ies. A battery-powered portable sending and receiving radio set.

2 - walkie-talkie - definition of walkie-talkie by the free online ...

talkie-walkie, définition et synonymes du mot talkie-walkie dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Petit appareil émetteur et...

3 - talkie-walkie : définition et synonymes du mot talkie-walkie dans le ...

walk·ie?talk·ie. noun \?w?-k?-?t?-k?, ?w?-k?-?\. : a small radio for receiving and sending messages. Full Definition of WALKIE-TALKIE. : a compact easily ...

4 - talkie-walkie : définition et synonymes du mot talkie-walkie dans le ...

British English: walkie-talkie Pronunciation for walkie-talkie A walkie-talkie is a small portable radio which you can talk into and hear messages through so that ...

5 - walkie-talkie - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

walkie-talkie n - definition, audio pronuncation and more for walkie-talkie n: a small radio held in the hand and used for both sending and receiving messages  ...

6 - walkie-talkie - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Un dictionnaire de langue : 90000 mots, 135000 définitions et plus de 140000 synonymes; Un dictionnaire encyclopédique 8 500 noms propres et plus de 2000  ...

7 - definition of walkie-talkie | collins english dictionary

A walkie-talkie (more formally known as a handheld transceiver) is a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver. Its development during the Second World ...

8 - definition of walkie-talkie | collins english dictionary

Petit poste de radio émetteur-récepteur portatif, à faible portée. Se parler par talkie-walkie. Talkie walkie. (...) 2 postes émetteurs-récepteurs. Portée de 700 m  ...