THYROXINE : définition du mot 'thyroxine' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "thyroxine" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 01/08/2012

1 - thyroxine - définition du mot thyroxine - doctissimo

22 sept. 2005 ... Thyroxine. Définition du mot Thyroxine : La thyroxine est une hormone contenant de l'iode, sécrétée par la glande thyroïde, dont le rôle est ...

2 - thyroxine - définition du mot thyroxine - doctissimo

thyroxine /thy·rox·ine/ (T4) (thi-rok´sin) an iodine-containing hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, occurring naturally as l-thyroxine; its chief function is to ...

3 - thyroxine - definition of thyroxine in the medical dictionary - by the ...

thy·rox·ine (th -r k s n , -s n) also thy·rox·in (-r k s n). n. An iodine-containing hormone, C15H11I4NO4, produced by the thyroid gland, that increases the rate of ...

4 - thyroxine - definition of thyroxine in the medical dictionary - by the ...

thyroxine définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'tyroxine',thyroïde', thyronine',thyroïdien', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, contraire, ...

5 - thyroxine - definition of thyroxine by the free online dictionary ...

Thyroxine: A hormone that is made by the thyroid gland and is one of the most important thyroid hormones. Four iodine molecules are attached to the molecular ...

6 - thyroxine - definition of thyroxine by the free online dictionary ...

thyroxine also thyroxin n. An iodine-containing hormone, C 15 H 11 I 4 NO 4 , produced by the thyroid gland, that increases the rate of cell metabolism.

7 - définition thyroxine | dictionnaire définition français | reverso

Définitions de thyroxine, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de thyroxine, dictionnaire analogique de thyroxine (français)

8 - définition thyroxine | dictionnaire définition français | reverso

Definition of Thyroxine : Also referred to as T4, is one of the hormones synthesize d and secreted by the thyroid gland; it acts to increase the rates of chemical ...