TICKET : définition du mot 'ticket' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Voir les mots dérivés de ticket.

Définition de "ticket"


Définition 1 :
Billet donnant droit à l'accès dans un bus, ou attestant d'un achat. Ticket de métro. Ticket de caisse.

Citations ticket

Quelques phrases sur le mot ticket glanées ici et là sur le Web afin d'illustrer et mieux comprendre le mot ticket.

Citation 1 :
Un bon film c'est celui qui vaut le prix du ticket, du restaurant et de la baby-sitter.

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Définition du mot "ticket" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 02/05/2016

1 - Ticket | define ticket at dictionary.com

Ticket definition, a slip, usually of paper or cardboard, serving as evidence that the holder has paid a fare or admission or is entitled to some service, right, or the  ...

2 - Ticket | define ticket at dictionary.com

a piece of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an event, travel on a vehicle, etc. : a card or piece of paper that shows that you are participating in a ...

3 - ticket | definition of ticket by merriam-webster

a. A paper slip or card indicating that its holder has paid for or is entitled to a specified service, right, or consideration: a theater ticket; an airline ticket. b.

4 - ticket | definition of ticket by merriam-webster

ticket definition, meaning, what is ticket: a small piece of paper or card given to someone, usually to show that they have paid for?. Learn more.

5 - ticket - definition of ticket by the free dictionary

Define ticket and get synonyms. What is ticket? ticket meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary.

6 - ticket - definition of ticket by the free dictionary

1.2A piece of paper or card bought as a way of entering a lottery or raffle: the two winning tickets, bought within days of each other, went unclaimed.

7 - ticket definition in the cambridge english dictionary

ticket window a window through which tickets are sold. ticket. Primary Meanings of ticket ... Full Definitions of ticket. 1. n a commercial document showing that the  ...

8 - ticket definition in the cambridge english dictionary

Top Definition. ticket. Ticket 1 million dollars. Yo man I just spent a ticket on this house ... Tickets. A word used as code for talking about someting illegal (drugs or  ...